Hand Washing is a strong line of defense. We will require students to clean their hands on their way in to the classroom and on the way out.
Circulation is an important part of reducing transmission. Everybody should get as much of their own air as possible. Each dojo offers a whopping 11,730 cubic feet of air. We will also be using large overhead vents in each dojo to push air out into the roof. When the temperature allows, we will keep the doors open to create more ventilation.
Cleaning the air will be done day and night. During the day, we will run a high power UV air purifier designed to remove particles from the air. We have also invested in an industrial strength air sanitizer machine that will run after classes until midnight after every one has left the building. The effects powerfully kill bacteria and viruses but dissipate after an hour or so, long before students arrive fourteen plus hours later.
Minimal Equipment Use is a good way to keep our hands clean and germ-free. There will be no shared sparring gear and when we do use equipment it will be used in a responsible manner and cleaned before and after.
Touch less stuff that other people touch. We have shifted to paperless registration and payments. We have installed touchless appliances in our bathrooms. The lights go on, soap is dispensed, the sinks, and the paper towels all dispense without touching any surfaces. Sanitizing will be done robustly. We will continue to routinely spray the dojo floors with non-toxic cleaners after classes. We will also be doing daily spray and wipes of high touch surfaces.
Mask Use is currently optional. It still recommended by the CDC and the scientific community if you have any symptoms of illness, immuno-compromised or have had a recent COVID exposure. Not everyone in the building will wear a mask but we support their use for any reason.
Families are responsible too for bringing the students only when they are clean and healthy.
To a very real extent, we are now responsible for each other’s health.
If your child has had any symptoms of a contagious infection or had direct exposure, we ask you to take advantage of the excellent At-Home classes.
If your child has a persistent cough or sneezing not attributed to known allergies, please take advantage of the excellent At-Home classes archive on Facebook
Outdoor Class Policies
For health reasons, please come to class with a clean body and a sanitary uniform. Please wash your hands prior to attending and we recommend you sanitize after class.
Students may wear a mask, but it is not required.
We recommend that students wear closed-toed shoes (preferably athletic sneakers) since we are outdoors
Spectators are allowed on the field near class. Please watch from your vehicle or from some nearby point.
Make sure your family uses the bathroom before you arrive. A port-a-potty is available but that may not be the most pleasant option for you.
Students should wear their Integrity Martial Arts Tshirt and belt. If you are new and do not have one yet, please reply with your tshirt size. We will provide your first one for free. If you need a new shirt, you can purchase one for $20. Let me know.
Bring your own water bottle and keep it near your marker.
Young children cannot be loose near the classes. It is unacceptable to have them run through class for safety reasons.
In the event that your child has a fever or is experiencing any other COVID like symptoms please do not come to class, and please notify us. If your child, or someone in the household has come into contact with someone who is COVID positive, or suspected to be COVID positive, please follow CDC recommendations.
By participating, you recognize the risks inherent to the activities of martial arts and this kind of sports activity. Furthermore, you acknowledge that Integrity Martial Arts, LLC, their instructors, staff and agents are not responsible for any injury or harm happening on or off the premises as a condition for participation. This includes risk of infection by COVID-19 or other infectious diseases. By participating in the classes, I assume all risk inherent and incidental for participating in these martial arts programs.